FLAME GPU 2 builds upon a decade on research experience with FLAME GPU 1 and has been developed as part of a EPSRC RSE fellowship belonging to Dr Paul Richmond. It has also had significant investment from the FLAME GPU team who are developing it as part of the PRIMAGE and STriTuVaD projects. In particular; Robert Chisholm, Peter Heywood and Matt Leach who are part of the Research Software Engineering (RSE) group at the University of Sheffield.
See GitHub for a full list of contributions to the code, documentation and websites.
For help, support or to report any bugs/problems with FLAME GPU please raise an issue on the FLAME GPU 2.x issue tracker (alternatively the FLAME GPU 1.x issue tracker).
For general enquires about FLAME GPU please contact Paul Richmond.
Commercial Consultancy and Research Collaborations
FLAME GPU development relies on ongoing research and commercial projects. We have worked on a broad range of projects to apply FLAME GPU. If you want to work with the FLAME GPU team then please contact Paul to discuss this.